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  • Extreme DanceSport Tentative Schedule

    The location previously posted for the Extreme DanceSport Invitational, held today and tomorrow (April 15 & 16, 2022), was incorrect. The competition will be at Madison JUNIOR High School in Rexburg, ID (not Madison High School) We apologize for the mistake! The correct address is:

    Note: The Final Schedule is now available. The link below has been updated with the Final Schedule

    Online registration for the Extreme DanceSport Invitational, held on April 15 & 16, 2022 is below:


    The tentative schedule is now available as well:

    2022 Extreme DanceSport Invitational Tentative Schedule

    Please note that there will be two dance floors for some of the Friday sessions. There is a Main Gym and an Auxiliary Gym. Using this format will allow us to have the maximum feasible events on Friday in order to accommodate those wishing to leave by Saturday afternoon. The Main Gym only will be used on Saturday.

    Please also note that the schedule is tentative. Once entries are received, the schedule may be updated.

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