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    March 2020
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  • Latest Nationals Updates

    This page will be used for all Nationals updates. Updates will not be emailed individually from now on to save your inbox! Bookmark this page and return for the latest updates.

    UPDATE 3/19/20

    New updates will now be posted and emailed as normal.

    For information about refunds, see this post.

    For information about the November resumption of the championships, see this post.

    For results, see this post.

    UPDATE 8:45pm

    Here are the order of events beginning at approximately 9:30pm:

    • Pre-Teen I Ballroom
    • Junior I Ballroom
    • Pre-Teen II Ballroom
    • Junior II Ballroom
    • US Amateur Cabaret Championships
    • Youth Latin
    • Pre-Teen I Latin
    • Junior I Latin
    • Pre-Teen II Latin
    • Junior II Latin

    UPDATE 8:05pm

    Schedule changes have begun. The Pre-Teen Latin Formation championship is beginning.

    UPDATE 7:30pm

    “After further discussion with the National Dance Council of America (NDCA) the final decision has been made to NOT dance any National Championships tonight that were originally scheduled for tomorrow (Friday) or Saturday.

    Any of the couples who are here in Provo and wish to dance tonight in the age divisions that were posted earlier today will be entered in regular championships, but will not be competing for national titles. These [regular] championships for tonight are listed below.

    All couples entered in specific age divisions this week will have their ages frozen as of today in regards to their eligibility for November.

    The plan is to move all of the Friday and Saturday title to November in Provo. More information will be forthcoming.

    Lee Wakefield”

    Regular championships (not US Championships) danced today (Thursday):

    • Pre-Teen I Ballroom
    • Pre-Teen I Latin
    • Pre-Teen II Ballroom
    • Pre-Teen II Latin
    • Junior I Ballroom
    • Junior I Latin
    • Junior II Ballroom
    • Junior II Latin
    • Youth Latin

    US Titles held today (Thursday):

    • Amateur Cabaret
    • Pre-Teen Ballroom Formation
    • Pre-Teen Latin Formation

    UPDATE 6:30 pm Youth Division II Latin Formation final event will NOT be held Thursday. Results will be announced based on the preliminary round.

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