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    February 2015
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  • UBEA Comp Tentative Schedule

    Updated 2/25/15 – Please note the Tentative Schedule has been updated!

    Below is the tentative schedule for the UBEA State Title Match this Friday (February 27, 2015) at Timpanogos High School. The doors will open at 8:00 am. Please be prepared to dance at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled event time. Contact Jenelle Young with any questions.

    2015 UBEA State Title Match Tentative Schedule

    A new activity at this competition will be Change Wars. All teams will be able to participate in this activity. Here is more information:

    • We will have jars for each school
    • Everyone will donate change to the jars (every ballroom program is in need!)
      • All donations in your jar will be given straight to your team
    • Only have cash or a check? no problem!
      • Each $5 cash donation to your school adds “weight” to your jar
    • The 2 teams with the heaviest jars of change win $50 cash for their team
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