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    January 2020
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  • UBEA State Title Match Entries

    Registration for the 2020 UBEA State Title Match, on February 29, 2020 at Westlake High School, is now available. Registration is open to all couples and teams who are actively participating in a school Ballroom program. Couples and teams who would like to register should contact their school Ballroom director. Directors can contact Jeff Sosa […]

    Read the rest of UBEA State Title Match Entries

    Ladies Syllabus Costume at Provo Comp

    Please note the following message from the organizers of the Provo High DanceSport Festival confirming ladies syllabus costume rules:
    Changes to syllabus attire:
    The syllabus color for girls at BYU has changed to “a black top”! As this is such short notice, Provo High will allow either white or black tops for girls syllabus attire this year.
    Also, […]

    Read the rest of Ladies Syllabus Costume at Provo Comp

    Provo Entries Due Friday!

    As a reminder, the entries for the Provo High School DanceSport Festival are due this Friday! (January 10, 2020) After Friday, a $10 late fee will be assessed to each entry.
    The Festival is on January 24 & 25, 2020 at Provo High School.
    Dancers can register online at provohighballroom.com. Links to the registration and other competition info […]

    Read the rest of Provo Entries Due Friday!

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