UBEA State Title Match Registration
Registration for the UBEA State Title Match, on February 24, 2018 at Westlake High School, is now available. Registration is open to all couples and teams who are actively part of a school Ballroom program. Couples and teams may register through their director, who has been contacted already about the competition. Entries are due by February 16, 2018.
Please see the announcement below from Jeffrey Sosa regarding the competition and registration:
The UBEA State Title Competition is on Feb. 24th at Westlake High School again from 8 am to 10 pm! An interest survey has been sent out again for the competition and to begin the registration process. If your charter, private, or public junior/high school program did not get an email regarding the competition but you wish to attend, then please send an email to jsosa@alpinedistrict.org to begin the registration process. Remember that both dancers in a couple and all dancers on a team need to be actively involved in a charter, private, or public school program to compete in this state event as per UHSAA guidelines. If you are a student who wants to compete at this event, then contact your local school coach to register.
As the event draws closer, we will look at the schedule of the event and see if any opening are available for other non-school programs to come and perform any team routines for judge feedback at the event. If you are interested in that, then please email Jeff Sosa at the same email above to be put on the waiting list. Tentative schedule will hopefully be ready mid-February.