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    January 2018
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  • UVU Scholarship Information

    Please see the letter below from UVU Ballroom Director Chris Williams for information about UVU Ballroom scholarships:

    Graduating Seniors!

    For those of you would like to continue your dancing after high school and in college, here is the information you will need to apply for a scholarship with Utah Valley University!

    All applications and requirements can be found online.  https://www.uvu.edu/dance/auditions.html.  At the bottom of the page there is a link “New Student Dance Scholarship Application Fall 2018”.  Fill out the form completely and send (hard copy or scanned copy) to Chris Witt (wittch@uvu.edu).  You will need to submit a video of two dances (one Latin/Rhythm and one Standard/Smooth) to Chris Witt as well.

    The deadline for applications is due before January 27, 2018.

    If you are planning to serve an LDS mission right after high school, please submit your videos and application so we can consider you for future placement and possible scholarship on our Company.

    We look forward to seeing you at UVU!

    If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at cwilliams@uvu.edu.

    Thank you!

    Chris Williams

    UVU Ballroom Dance Company Director

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