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    April 2016
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  • UVU Concert Tickets Available



    Tickets for the spring UVU Ballroom Dance Company concert are now available. Please see the information from UVU Ballroom:

    All it takes is one song to bring back a thousand memories. Feel the groove, and capture the soul, as our Ballroom Dance Company boogies down memory lane to Motown’s greatest songs.

    Show times April 21st – 23rd, 2016
    Thursday – 7:30 pm
    Friday – 7:30 pm
    Satuday Matinee – 2:00 pm
    Saturday Evening – 7:30 pm

    Tickets are $12 General Admission $8 for Students and can be purchased at www.uvu.edu/arts or at Campus Connection in the Sorensen Student Center

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