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    February 2016
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  • UBEA State Title Match Registration

    Thor-smallThe registration for the UBEA State Title Match hosted by Westlake High School Ballroom on February 27, 2016 is available for all public, private, and charter schools. Coaches are responsible for registering students in their programs for the competition. Coaches, if your students are interested in attending, then please email Jeffrey Sosa at jsosa@alpinedistrict.org for a form. Last day to register for events is February 17th.

    Due to time constraints there will not be open (non-school) events this year. There may be opportunities for studio teams to perform in showdance or medley team events, as with last year. This would be a performance and not a team competition. More information will be available next week.

    Contact Westlake High School Ballroom with any questions.

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