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    January 2013
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  • UVU Ballroom Scholarships

    Jan ’13
    7:00 am

    Below is information about the upcoming Ballroom scholarships for UVU:


    Dear Dance Instructors and Educators,

    Utah Valley University is conducting its Dance Scholarship Auditions for the Fall 2013/Spring 2014 academic year on Saturday, January 26, 2013.

    Attached please find:

    1.       Dance Scholarship invitation letter from our Department Chair, Nichole Ortega

    2.       Scholarship Audition flier to post in a conspicuous place for your students

    3.       Dance Scholarship Application to print off for any interested students

    We hope to see your students at our auditions.

    Elaine Miner
    Administrative Assistant
    UVU Department of Dance


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