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    October 2011
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  • Westlake Schedule

    Christian Bastian has provided the tentative schedule for the Westlake competition this Saturday. Please remember that the schedule is subject to change and you should plan to be ready to dance 30 minutes prior to your event.

    For any questions, contact the Bastians or Westlake High School.

    Here is the schedule

    8:00 AM

    Doors Open


    9:00 AM

    Westlake Beginning American Foxtrot

    Open Pre-Championship Latin

    Elementary Newcomer American Cha Cha

    Adult Novice Smooth

    High School Syllabus American Swing

    Elementary International Waltz

    Open Junior Latin

    Junior High Syllabus Newcomer American Cha Cha

    Westlake Intermediate Rumba

    Junior High International Waltz

    Youth Pre-Championship Ballroom


    10:15 AM

    High School Newcomer American Cha Cha

    Westlake Beginning American Waltz

    Open Pre-Championship Ballroom

    College Bronze International Rumba

    Westlake Advanced International Cha Cha

    Elementary International Samba

    High School Syllabus Quickstep

    Junior High International Samba

    Elementary American Swing

    Adult Novice Latin

    Youth Championship Smooth


    11:30 AM

    Westlake Beginning American Cha Cha

    Open Pre-Championship Smooth

    Westlake Advanced International Waltz

    Open Championship Ballroom

    Lindy Swing

    High School Syllabus International Rumba

    Adult Novice Latin

    Pre-Teen Latin

    Youth Pre-Championship Latin

    Junior High American Swing

    Youth Championship Ballroom

    College Silver/Gold American Swing


    12:30 PM

    Adult Novice Ballroom

    College Silver/Gold Paso Doble

    Youth Pre-Championship Smooth

    College Bronze International Waltz

    Youth Championship Latin

    Junior High Syllabus International Samba

    Open Championship Smooth


    1:30 PM

    Formation/ Showdance

    High School Team Match

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